Posts tagged good leadership
Why your leadership isn't inclusive

I used to think my events were inclusive.

Whenever more than one person had an item of critical feedback for the event, I would do something to change it. I thought that was enough.

It took a long time for me to realize, but I was leaving a LOT of people in the lurch.

Because here’s the problem: the people who are the most systematically oppressed and who are therefore least likely to get their needs met, are often also the least vocal about their concerns.

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If you have trouble skipping the small talk, this might explain why

I recently found myself in two almost identical social situations with one small difference that changed everything about the way the interaction went down.


A few months ago, I had some new friends over my house when one of my friends took advantage of a brief silence:


“Can I ask you all a weird question?”


We all nodded and leaned forward a tiny bit in our chairs.


“Is a hamburger a sandwich?”

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