5 Free Mindfulness Resources

Has anyone else here noticed that the rent on our brains has gone through the roof!? When we think mindfulness, it’s hard not to think of the pricey apps, workshops, and retreats that have become synonymous with a booming wellness industry, but it doesn’t have to be this way! Read on for five resources to help un-break your brain without breaking the bank.

1. YouTube

When looking for free, DIY mindfulness workshops and content, the easiest place to start is — you guessed it — YouTube! A quick search can lead you to resources including guided meditations, soundscapes, body scans, workshops and lessons, and more, all for free! 

2. The Free Mindfulness Project

It’s right there in the name! The Free Mindfulness Project was created to crowdsource mindfulness resources, videos, recordings, and exercises online and make them available for free to anyone interested in developing or growing their practice of mindfulness. You can check out free recordings, live workshops, and more on their website. 

3. Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA

When it comes to mindfulness resources, the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA Health did NOT come to play. They offer free guided meditations (in multiple languages), free live podcasts and sessions, and even a mindfulness app.

4. The Brain & Body Coalition BIPOC Mental Health Resource Guide

The Brain & Body Coalition is a wellness organization that collects and shares resources on mental health and wellness for the BIPOC community. Their Mental Health Resource Guide connects readers to a variety of BIPOC-specific mindfulness and wellness apps, websites, podcasts, as well as tools for finding BIPOC therapists and wellness instructors. 

5. insightLA Meditation Programs

For those looking for identity specific mindfulness resources, insightLA hosts a variety of affinity meditation groups for people of all experience levels and backgrounds. They offer free/donation-based virtual workshops for LGBTQ+, neurodiverse, young adult, middle aged, and elder folks, as well as meditation groups in Spanish.

And there are so many more…

Good (and free) things come to those who wait seek them out! While this list includes specific guided meditations and free workshops, it also provides compilations of resources that go far beyond just mindfulness, aimed to give you a jumping off point for the journey of caring for yourself and your brain.

Note: We are not affiliated with any of these websites, nor do we receive any sort of commission if you follow the links; we’re just sharing for those who may need them!

How do you make space for mindfulness in your life?